Reverse Choux Praline Cream


Working Method

Choux Chocolate
  • Boil water, milk, salt, sugar and butter.
  • Add flour and cocoa powder and cook dough until dry.
  • Pour dough in mixing bowl, mix slowly until cold.
  • Add eggs 1 by 1
  • Pipe dough onto tray
  • Bake 165⁰c for 40mm

Crispy choux
  • Put all ingredients in mixing bowl,
  • Mix until combine.
  • Spread dough between 2 sheets of paper.
  • Freeze. Cut at choux size

Chocolate cream
  • Make the crème anglaise and pour it into chocolates, mix with hand mixer until smooth.
  • When temperature is 38⁰c incorporate soft pick whipping creams.

